Volunteer Benefits

Hospice Volunteer Advantages

Hospice volunteers enjoy significant advantages over any other form of volunteering. The significance and spiritual experience in assisting someone during their life’s transition cannot be overstated. You will know the gratitude and support of your patients as well as their family and friends. The appreciation that you receive is beyond any that you have experienced before.


Would you like to feel fully respected and appreciated?


You are likely to make a few lasting friends. You are only asked to serve flexible hours as your schedule allows. You are constantly surrounded by medical specialists in professional and tranquil environments.


Would you like to know the unique inner peace achieved by supporting someone in the completion of their life?

Hospice Volunteer Benefits

As technology is used more and more for communication and social media replaces physical interaction, a person’s humaneness becomes diminished. Are you “virtually living” online or are you out leading an authentic life? If your life’s activities are virtually empty and self centered, you can feel your life filling with the emptiness.


The good news is that hospice volunteering is your chance to re-connect with humanity and yourself.


Hospice volunteering is not easy, like everything worthwhile. Hospice volunteering requires a commitment, like everything important. Hospice volunteering gives you a sense of self, a sense of purpose and sense of closure, like nothing else.

Contact Us


Maxcare Hospice
13800 Arizona Street Suite 201
Westminster, CA 92683

Phone Number

(714) 844 – 7777



Feeling alone is never an option

at Maxcare hospice, we believe in being there for you and your family.

Contact Us